Sunday 5 April 2009

Food and Porn

Cooking an extravagant meal for yourself is a bit like watching pornography. If you're not careful you can satisfy yourself only for a few minutes and, well, have lots of clearing up to do.

So food, much like sex tends to be more satisfying when there's at least one other person around. Controversial? Maybe. My point is food tends to taste better when it's being shared.

I'm starting to realise even at this early stage that what interests me most about food is the occasion and the people you share it with. It is for this reason I get depressed when eating on my own.

I always dreamed of having a couch in my kitchen so that I could talk to my friends whilst I cooked for them. It is also very handy when you need a helper with the spuds. And if it's a full house I feel you can have a closer chat with your kitchen buddy, discussing juicy gossip while the others make polite chit chat.
This is also a moment for picking up tips from your helper or sharing a pre-dinner sample, when the food in all honesty is at its best. That's enough for today - I'm doing a really bad job of talking about actual food and just sounding like a straight Nigel Slater.


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